Theoretical Estimation of Passive HF signal from a Meteorite Plasma Trail
Zachary Epstein, Yan Li, Dalibor Todorovski, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory; Bahman Hafizi, Naval Research Laboratory
B8*: High Power Electromagnetic Environment Effects Lecture
Special Sessions
Room 200
Presentation Time:
Thu, 9 Jan, 10:40 - 11:00 MT (UTC -7)
Session Co-Chairs:
Avinash Sharma, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory and Zachary Epstein, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
Session B8*
B8*.1: Qualification of the IMAP X-band GaN Solid State Power Amplifiers for Near Earth and Deep Space
Justin Dennison, John Lehtonen, Justin Likar, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
B8*.2: Theoretical Estimation of Passive HF signal from a Meteorite Plasma Trail
Zachary Epstein, Yan Li, Dalibor Todorovski, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory; Bahman Hafizi, Naval Research Laboratory
B8*.3: High Power Breakdown Effects in Microwave Components in the Titan Atmosphere
Avinash Sharma, Matthew Shannon, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
B8*.4: Substituting Lattices to Improve Mass Fraction of an Antenna for Stress Testing (SLIMFAST)
Karol Grabczewski, Avinash Sharma, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory