NOTE: It is recommended if renting a vehicle to wait to purchase a parking permit until you have the actual license plate information. Be sure to enter your plate information correctly to avoid a citation. Permits do not need to be printed; your license plate is your permit.
Also Note: The rate of $5/day is only available when purchasing parking passes for all 4 days of the conference. For single day passes, the rate is $10/day.
Purchasing Event Parking Permits (Non-Voucher)
- Go to
- Select Online Services (top right corner of web page or on main page)
- Select Purchase Event Parking
- Select Event Type (Conferences)
- Select the Event you are attending (01/07-01/10: USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting Public Parking)
- Select Permit Type (Lot 436 $5/day permit will pop up, select it to continue)
- Select the Location (should display correct location already, just click on it)
- Add your Vehicle Information (click add vehicle button to add information)
- Check Out