H4*: Active Experiments in Laboratory and Space Plasmas II
Fri, 10 Jan, 10:20 - 12:00 MT (UTC -7)
Location: Room 155
Session Type: Lecture
Session Chair: Erik M. Tejero, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Track: Special Sessions
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Fri, 10 Jan, 10:20 - 10:40 MT (UTC -7)
H4*.1: Analyzing Historical Langmuir Probe Data Using Modern Methods
Fri, 10 Jan, 10:40 - 11:00 MT (UTC -7)
H4*.2: Plasma Impedance Tomography (PIT): Results of Measurement and Inversion Method
Fri, 10 Jan, 11:00 - 11:20 MT (UTC -7)
H4*.3: AERO: Remote Sensing of Auroral Radio Emissions from a Small Satellite Using Electromagnetic Vector Sensors
Fri, 10 Jan, 11:20 - 11:40 MT (UTC -7)
H4*.4: Laser Induced Fluorescence Measurements of Flow Velocity in a Rotating Plasma Layer
Fri, 10 Jan, 11:40 - 12:00 MT (UTC -7)