G9*: Studies of the Gannon Storm I
Fri, 10 Jan, 08:20 - 10:00 MT (UTC -6)
Location: Room 200
Session Type: Lecture
Session Co-Chairs: Romina Nikoukar, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory and Anthea Coster, MIT Haystack Observatory
Track: Special Sessions
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Note: This paper will not be presented.
Fri, 10 Jan, 08:20 - 08:40 MT (UTC -6)

G9*.1: Scintillation and High-Rate TEC Observations at Mid Latitudes During the Gannon Storm

Isaac Wright, Fabiano Rodrigues, University of Texas at Dallas; Christiano Brum, Pedrina Terra, University of Central Florida; Kshitija Deshpande, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University; Philip Erikson, MIT Haystack; Nathaniel Frissell, University of Scranton; Michael Hauan, Citizen Scientist; Dan Layne, Deep Space Exploration Society; Miguel Rojas Quesada, Costa Rica Institute of Technology; Yvelice Castillo Rosales, National Autonomous University of Honduras; Jan Sojka, Ludger Scherliess, Utah State University; Simon Shepherd, Dartmouth; Gregory Taylor, University of New Mexico
Fri, 10 Jan, 08:40 - 09:00 MT (UTC -6)

G9*.2: L-band Scintillation Characteristics during the 2024 Gannon Storm

Sebastijan Mrak, JHU/APL; Toshi Nishimura, Boston University; Romina Nikoukar, JHU/APL; Anthea Coster, MIT Haystack observatory; Jade Morton, University of Colorado Boulder; Clayton Cantrall, James Conroy, Patrick Dandenault, Lisa Knowles, Robert Schaefer, JHU/APL; Cathryn Mitchell, University of Bath
Fri, 10 Jan, 09:00 - 09:20 MT (UTC -6)

G9*.3: Gannon Storm Scintillation Observations via the NOAA Data Collection System

Theodore Beach, Boston College; Daniel Gillies, William Dronen, NOAA; Keith Groves, Boston College; Brett Betsill, Matt Taylor, Microcom Design, Inc.; Nai-Yu Wang, NOAA; Alan Hoskinson, Boston College
Fri, 10 Jan, 09:20 - 09:40 MT (UTC -6)

G9*.4: Unprecedented Nightside Ionospheric Dynamics Observed by GOLD During the 10-11 May 2024 Gannon Storm

Deepak Karan, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics; Carlos Martinis, Boston University; Robert Daniell, Ionospheric Physics; Richard Eastes, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics; Wenbin Wang, High Altitude Observatory; William McClintock, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics; Robert Michell, Goddard Space Flight Center; Scott England, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Fri, 10 Jan, 09:40 - 10:00 MT (UTC -6)

G9*.5: Assimilative Coupled Modeling of the Gannon Superstorm

Scott Thaller, Ana Newheart, Rachel Stutz, Ian Collett, Cami Nars, Joe Hughes, Orion Space Solutions - An Arcfield Company; Geoff Crowley, Arcfield; John Noto, Junk Wilson, Orion Space Solutions - An Arcfield Company