
The University of Colorado Boulder (CU-Boulder) has a long history of global leadership in sustainability. From being the first university to establish a recycling program, to being the first university to rank “gold” through the Sustainability Tracking Assessment and Rating System (STARS), CU-Boulder has been a leader in climate and energy research, interdisciplinary environmental studies programs and in engaging in "green" practices on campus for more than half a century. We invite you to be a part of the CU sustainability initiatives and participate in one or more of these green practices:

Purchase carbon offsets for your air travel:

The conference organizers are committed to making this conference a sustainable event.  CU Conference Services has collaborated with the Environmental Center at the University of Colorado Boulder to allow conference attendees to purchase carbon-offset credits. 

The purchase of carbon offsets represents a reduction in emissions from a specific energy project to offset those created by air/auto travel to attend the conference.  These carbon emission reduction projects would not be possible without the financial resources that the purchase provides.  Recent projects include landfill methane capture for use as fuel for a local brick factory in Oklahoma; coal bed methane capture, new trucking efficiencies, and rooftop solar water heater installation on affordable housing in Colorado.  For more information on the University’s carbon offset program, please visit the Environmental Center Website.  These carbon offsets are available for purchase at an additional cost, based on attendee travel, on the conference registration form.

Bring a travel coffee mug and a re-fillable water bottle for use while at CU Boulder.

Look for the compost and recycling bins provided for your use at the zero-waste breaks during the Conference.