F5*: Microwave Remote Sensing of Vegetation and Ocean Salinity in Honor of Roger H Lang
Fri, 10 Jan, 08:20 - 12:00 MT (UTC -7)
Location: Room 245
Session Type: Lecture
Session Chair: Mehmet Kurum, University of Georgia
Track: Special Sessions
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Fri, 10 Jan, 08:20 - 08:40 MT (UTC -7)

F5*.1: The Continuing Contribution of Roger Lang to the Measurement of the Dielectric Constant of Sea Water

David Le Vine, Goddard Space Flight Center, United States; Roger Lang, Ming Li, The George Washington University, United States; Emmanuel Dinnat, Goddard Space Flight Center, United States; Yiwen Zhou, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Switzerland
Fri, 10 Jan, 08:40 - 09:00 MT (UTC -7)

F5*.2: Resonant-Perturbation Method Applied to UHF Cryogenic Dielectric Measurements of Saline Ice

Jake Sahli, Albin Gasiewski, University of Colorado Boulder, United States; William Stone, Vickie Siegel, Stone Aerospace, Inc., United States
Fri, 10 Jan, 09:00 - 09:20 MT (UTC -7)

F5*.3: Ocean Salinity Measurements with L-band Passive Airborne and Ground Based Instruments

Mehmet Ogut, Sidharth Misra, Ian Fenty, Severine Fournier, Simik Ghookasian, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, United States; Doug Vandemark, University of New Hampshire, United States
Fri, 10 Jan, 09:20 - 09:40 MT (UTC -7)

F5*.4: Development of the SESAR-LITE P-band Synthetic Aperture Radar

Rafael Rincon, NASA/GSFC, United States
Fri, 10 Jan, 09:40 - 10:00 MT (UTC -7)

F5*.5: Coherence Modeling of Land Cover Observations from Repeat Pass Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar

Simon Yueh, Xiaolan Xu, Tianlin Wang, Mario Chaubell, California Institute of Technology, United States
Fri, 10 Jan, 10:20 - 10:40 MT (UTC -7)

F5*.6: Bistatic GO Solution to the Mean RCS of an Object Above a Rough Surface: 2D TE Case

Joseph Gedney, Joel Johnson, Robert Burkholder, The Ohio State University, United States
Fri, 10 Jan, 10:40 - 11:00 MT (UTC -7)

F5*.7: GNSS-T Forest Transmissivity Simulations based on LiDAR-derived Tree Structure

Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque, Mehmet Kurum, University of Georgia, United States
Fri, 10 Jan, 11:00 - 11:20 MT (UTC -7)

F5*.8: Modelling the effective vegetation optical depth and scattering albedo for coniferous forests from P- to Ka- band

Yiwen Zhou, Mike Schwank, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Switzerland; Mehmet Kurum, University of Georgia, United States; Roger Lang, The George Washington University, United States
Fri, 10 Jan, 11:20 - 11:40 MT (UTC -7)

F5*.9: Coherent backscatter from a vegetation canopy – Model vs Experiment

Avinash Sharma, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, United States
Fri, 10 Jan, 11:40 - 12:00 MT (UTC -7)

F5*.10: Interpolating SMAP Soil Moisture to 3 km using CYGNSS and Spire Reflectivity Observations: Regional Case Study

Ming Li, Jiahua Zhang, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, United States; Liza Wernicke, University of Colorado Boulder, United States; John Braun, Jan Weiss, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, United States