Student Paper Competition

Ernest K. Smith USNC-URSI Student Paper Competition

All student papers will be presented during one of the technical sessions. In addition, the Student Paper Competition (SPC) finalists will present their talks during a portion of the plenary session. The awards will be presented during the conference.

Rules and Guidelines for Paper Preparation
  • Students entering the Ernest K. Smith USNC-URSI SPC must submit:
    • (1.) A two-column, two-page summary paper.
    • (2.) To permit a double-blind review process, a separate, identical version of the two-page summary, but with all identifying author information removed (names, affiliations, funding sources, acknowledgements, and identifying attributes in the PDF file, which is available by selecting “Properties...” in the File menu in Acrobat Reader).
  • These documents must be submitted on the abstract/summary submission website no later than 13 September 2024.
  • To submit these documents, check the box "I wish to enter this submission into the Student Paper Competition" during the submission process.
  • The student’s primary advisor must respond to an email that will be sent to the advisor’s educational institution address after the paper is submitted. The response will certify that the student meets the conditions of the student paper competition, that the student is the only student author in the author list, and that all coauthors’ contributions to the paper are primarily advisory or editorial. Response to the advisor attestation must be received by 16 September 2024. (23h 59m UTC-12 hours).
  • The topic of the paper must be related to one or more of URSI's 10 Commissions. Students must indicate to which URSI Commission or Commissions (maximum of two) the topic of their paper is most relevant.
  • The paper must be in English and formatted using the template provided for regular two-page summaries submitted to the NRSM. (Refer to the SUBMISSIONS page)
  • Full-time university students in normal pursuit of a B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. degree are eligible to enter a paper in the competition. The student must be enrolled in a U.S. college or university.
  • Each student may submit only one two-page summary to the student paper competition. A student may submit other papers to the conference, but only one can be entered into the student paper competition.
  • Papers co-authored by members of the Student Paper Competition committee are not allowed to enter the Student Paper Competition.
  • The finalists in the USNC-URSI Student Paper Competition must present their papers in both a regular session and the Student Paper Competition session of the conference.
Evaluation Criteria
  • Quality (e.g., clarity, organization, style, etc.)
  • Description of the research relative to previous work
  • Potential impact
  • Verification and/or validation of reported results (to the extent that is possible)
  • Ability to clearly and thoroughly answer questions (only for the finalists’ oral presentations)
Prizes will be awarded to three student papers:
  • First Prize: $1,000
  • Second Prize: $750
  • Third Prize: $500

The deadline for submission is 13-Sep-2024.

Questions Regarding the Competition Should be Addressed to:
Prof. Asimina Kiourti

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
The Ohio State University

Student Paper Competition Chair

Prof. Elias Alwan

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Florida International University

Student Paper Competition Vice-Chair