NRSM Sponsorship and Exhibits Information

Information for potential sponsors and exhibitors of the NRSM is available in an information and sponsors benefit document here: SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS


The 2024 National Radio Science Meeting (NRSM) conference is the 50th anniversary of the scientific meeting sponsored by the U.S. National Committee (USNC) for the International Union of Radio Science (URSI). The USNC-URSI is appointed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, and represents U.S. radio scientists in URSI. This meeting is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.

NRSM Exhibits

USNC-URSI is taking advantage of this year’s NRSM to explore new ways for our members, students, attendees, and industry to connect. We are striving to provide our community with a suitable venue to highlight the work they are doing in their laboratories and companies and to encourage impromptu discussions.

Benefits of being an exhibitor include:

·         Network with the active scholars, researchers, and industry leaders in the field

·         Recruiting for open positions in your company

·         Recruiting for open positions in your University’s graduate or post-doctoral program

·         Showcasing and demonstration of new software and hardware technologies

·         Workshops on selected topics of your choice

·         Topical discussion of your choosing

·         Network with experts in various fields of radio science under 10 commissions of URSI:

o   Commission A: Electromagnetic Metrology

o   Commission B: Fields and Waves

o   Commission C: Radiocommunication Systems and Signal Processing

o   Commission D: Electronics and Photonics

o   Commission E: Electromagnetic Environment and Interference

o   Commission F: Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing

o   Commission G: Ionospheric Radio and Propagation

o   Commission H: Waves in Plasma

o   Commission J: Radio Astronomy

o   Commission K: Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine

NRSM Sponsors

Sponsorship opportunities are also available, and include the benefits of an exhibitor booth along with the additional benefits listed below:

Platinum Sponsorship $5,000

This sponsorship includes the organization’s logo on the conference site banner (before, during, and after the meeting), logo on the NRSM website, 2 complimentary Registrations, and 1 Exhibit Booth. Your organization’s sponsorship will be mentioned in the opening remarks before the plenary session, and your logo will be shown during that mention. Additionally, your organization’s logo will be included on all hold screens between sessions on all days (hold screens are what attendees will see when they enter a session and are waiting for the first presentation to be given). You may provide up to 5 slides to be shown on monitors during reception and coffee break. The Platinum sponsors may organize a 60-minute workshop/tutorial in the form of a lunch and learn session.

Gold Sponsorship $3,000

This sponsorship includes the organization’s logo on the conference site banner (during the meeting), logo on the NRSM website, 2 complimentary Registrations, and 1 Exhibit Booth. Your organization’s sponsorship will be mentioned in the opening remarks before the plenary session, and your logo will be shown during that mention. Additionally, your organization’s logo will be included on all hold screens between sessions on one conference day. The Gold sponsors may provide up to 3 slides to be shown on monitors during reception and coffee break. The Gold sponsors may organize up to 30-minute workshop/tutorial during lunch time.

Silver Sponsorship $2,000

This sponsorship includes the organization’s logo on the conference site banner (during the meeting) and 1 complimentary Registration. In addition, your organization’s sponsorship will be mentioned in the opening remarks before the plenary session, and your logo will be shown during that mention. The Silver sponsors may provide up to 2 slides to be shown on monitors during reception and coffee break. The Silver sponsors can have a 15-minute lightning talk during the coffee break.

Bronze Sponsorship $1,250

This sponsorship includes the organization’s logo on the conference site banner (during the meeting) and 1 complimentary Registration. In addition, your organization’s logo will be prominently displayed during the selected coffee break(s) during the three days of sessions. Your logo will also be shown during the opening remarks before the plenary session. The Bronze sponsors may provide one slide to be shown on monitors during the reception and coffee breaks. 

Patron Sponsorship $500

This sponsorship includes one demo table. The organization’s logo will be displayed during selected coffee break(s).

In addition, all sponsor levels will receive a listing of NRSM attendees' contact information (names, affiliations, and email addresses). If you would like to sponsor the 2024 NRSM at one of these levels or have any questions, please contact

All requests for exhibitor booths and sponsorships must be received by December 1, 2023.